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Create a Stopwatch function with start, stop, reset methods and duration property.

Stopwatch function

The name of the function.

start method

It will allow the timer to start.

Throw an error message if the someone attempts to call this method more than once. ie("Stopwatch has already started.")

stop method

It will allow the timer to stop.

Throw an error message if the someone attempts to call this method more than once. ie("Stopwatch is not started.")

reset method

Allows you to reset the timer.

Duration will become 0.

duration property

Shows the duration of the timer.

    function Stopwatch () {

        let startTime, endTime, running, duration = 0;
        this.start = function () {
            if (running)
                throw new Error('Stopwatch has already started.');
            running = true;
            startTime = new Date();
            return 'Timer has started.'
        this.stop = function () {
            if (!running)
                throw new Error('Stopwatch is not started.');
            running = false;
            endTime = new Date();
            const seconds = (endTime.getTime() - startTime.getTime()) / 1000;
            duration += seconds;
            return 'Timer has stopped.'
        this.reset = function () {
            startTime = null;
            endTime = null;
            running = false;
            duration = 0;
            return 'Timer was reset.'
        Object.defineProperty( this, 'duration', {
            get: function () { return duration; }
