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Primitives and Reference Types

These are the two value types in JavaScript.

Primitive Types

The size of a primitive value is fixed, therefore, JavaScript stores the primitive value on the stack.

Reference Types

The size of a reference value is dynamic so JavaScript stores the reference value on the heap.

Primitive Types Reference Types
Number Object
String Function
Boolean Array

Example #1

At the given example below, x and y are primitives.

        let x = 10;
        let y = x;

        x = 20;

This shows that x and y are completely two independent variables.

Variable Value
x 20
y 10

Another example of Primitive Type value
        let number = 10;
        function increase (number) {


Output: 10

Example #2

At the given example below, x is an object with property called value.

        let x = { value: 10 };
        let y = x;

        x.value = 20;

An object is not stored in x variable. That object is stored somewhere else in the memory and the address of that memory location is stored inside x variable.

So then when you copy x into y variable, it's the address or the reference that is copied. In other words, both x and y are pointing on the same object in memory. And when you modify that object using either x or y it changes the immediately visible to the other variable.

Variable Value
x 20
y 20

Another example of Reference Type value
        let obj = { value: 10 };
        function increase (obj) {


Output: 11


Primitives are copied by their value while Reference are copied by their reference.