Javascript Notes

Reference(s): Programming with Mosh, JavaScript Tutorial

Tags: programming, javascript, best-practices, frontend, web-development, notes definitions, sample-codes

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in 2019.

A lot of people are learning JavaScript to become front-end and/or back-end developers.

If you want to become a front-end developer, you have to learn JavaScript. It is the programming language that every front-end developer must know.

You can also use JavaScript on the back-end using Node. Node is a run-time environment for executing JavaScript code outside of a browser. With Node and Express (a popular JavaScript framework), you can build back-end of web and mobile applications.

Get Started

1.) What is an OOP? 2.) Creating Objects
3.) Factories and Constructors 4.) Primitives and Reference Types
5.) Working with Properties 6.) Private Properties
7.) Getters and Setters 8.) Exercise

Next to read is "Object-Oriented Programming in JavaScript" - Learn all about objects, prototypes, prototypical inheritance and more.